Giving Tuesday 2024

Spring Registration are now open for everyone

Adults- Teens & Children - Toddlers

Register Now - Place is limited


Contact Us

(914) 681-8735

Alliance Francaise of Westchester Inc.
280 Dobbs Ferry Road - Suite 302
White Plains, NY 10607

Office Hours:

September to June:
Monday:  10:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 12:30 pm - 7:30pm
Thursday: 2:30 pm – 6:00pm 
Friday: 2:30 pm – 6:45pm 
Saturday: 9am - 3:30pm
Closed on Wednesdays and Sundays

Summer hours for 2024:
offices closed July 13th to August 18th
10:00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday
Closed on Saturdays and Sundays

Kindly fill in this contact form.

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Message *
How did you hear about us?