Spring Registration are now open for everyone
Adults- Teens & Children - Toddlers
Register Now - Place is limited
As you know, this Spring the Alliance Française of Westchester organized a Photo Contest. The theme given was “Frenchness beyond clichés”. Indeed, the point was to portray your own view of France while trying to leave the traditional clichés behind.
First of all we would like to thank everybody that participated! Indeed, we received photos that were sometimes very different from each other, highlighting very different characteristics of France. That’s why it was very interesting for the jury to judge these photos.
And the winners are…
For the adult category
"Une belle maison à Aix-en-Provence" by Susan Seligman
For the children & teens category
"L’Amour des Français" by Amelia
The winner of each category will be contacted by the Alliance Française of Westchester to collect his or her prize consisting of a book that
can be chosen from a selection proposed by the AFW team.
We also wanted to showcase these pictures which were not selected by the jury but deserved an honorable mention:
"La Mode à la Française" by Caroline
"Le Petit-Déjeuner" by Ally