Spring Registration are now open for everyone
Adults- Teens & Children - Toddlers
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As the new academic year is starting soon, we're excited to show you how to use your brand new virtual classroom. In this post, you will learn more about how our team is working hard to integrate more learning resources and tools to improve our students' learning experience.
As many of you already know and as we've previously mentioned on this blog , our team feels like there's always something we can do to improve our students' learning experience. Textbooks and exercise books are useful of course, however they're not enough to enable our students to learn a broad range of authentic French words and expressions. Besides, they're fairly limited as they tend to focus on topics which are not always relevant to our students' lives or interests. Some of our students are learning French because they simply want to travel to France, whereas others are passionate about literature. Some are learning French mostly for fun, while others are pursuing advanced academic goals as they're intending to eventually live, study or work in a Francophone country. Some have deep connections to a specific Francophone region, others are more interested in general French History or Art.
A textbook on its own simply cannot fully answer the needs of all our members, and can also become quite repetitive after a while. Variety is the spice of life, so we believe videos, magazines, books and audio resources should play a bigger role in our French lessons, however we feel that to make them as useful as possible, extra resources we propose must be well organized and easy to find at any time. We believe that virtual classrooms are the best possible tools to:
You will find below short tutorial videos to help you learn how to use your new virtual French classroom. Of course, our team will also be available to help you learn how to navigate menus, and to help you make the most of learning resources proposed on this new platform.
If you have any question, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to schedule a private video tour of your new classroom: