Our Spring session has started!
On this page, you will find a summary of our Spring 2025 programs. Group classes and activities are offered both in-person and online, you can find more information on each dedicated pages listed below. Private lessons can also be arranged in-person in a private location of your choice. If you're unsure what's best for you, you can also simply contact our team, we will get back to you to let you know which program would best suit your needs.
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French Classes for adults
French Classes and activities for children and teens
French Classes and activities for Francophones
French Classes and activities for toddlers and families
French classes for adults
A few options are offered this Winter when it comes to French classes for adults:
- Regular classes, taking place once a week and running From March 28 to June 14 , 2025. These will be ideal for students who feel like they best learn when following a slow, steady pace. Each session usually starts gently to allow you to refresh your language skills after a break, then you will learn more advanced concepts which are key to improve your communication skills. The emphasis of these classes will be on reinforcing your language skills in the following areas: listening, speaking, reading, writing. New vocabulary, grammar and conjugation will depend on your level.
Interested in classes for adults taking place in Mamaroneck? Contact our team to let us know; extra classes may be confirmed in Mamaroneck at a later date.
- Intensive classes taking place 5 times per week over a period of 1 week each. Those should be great if you would like to focus on French only for a short period of time rather than for the whole Winter. Those intensive French classes are recommended if you would like to really dive into French, however be prepared, these classes will have a heavier workload. They are the best option for you if you really want to immerse yourself in French, and if you have a lot of free time before and after your French lessons to carry on studying.
- "À la carte" workshops for adults will be ideal if you're going to have a busy schedule and would like to be able to mix and match depending on dates which are most convenient for you. Most of these workshops are available in-person only, except for advance level workshops, which are organized online.
- If you prefer an even more flexible, "à la carte" option giving you full control of your schedule and of themes studied, we suggest inquiring about our private lessons. Those can be arranged both for single students or for small groups. Those can be arranged online or in person, in a private location of your choice.
French classes for children and teens
Just like for adults classes, various options are offered this Winter when it comes to French classes for children or teenagers:
- Regular French Classes for children and teenagers will take place on a weekly basis between March 28 to June 14, 2025. They are most suitable for children or teenagers who have already been studying French with us in the past and who would like to do light revisions as well as practicing concepts already studied before. While those are formal classes, as usual they will involve games and playful activities so children and teens can learn fun things in a relaxed atmosphere. In-person classes are offered in White Plains, but we're also offering online classes to accommodate for the needs of students who have a busy schedule.
Interested in classes for children and teens taking place in Mamaroneck? Contact our team to let us know; extra classes may be confirmed in Mamaroneck at a later date.
- Workshops and Day Camps for children and teens will be offered throughout the Winter, both in-person and online. Dates, times and themes will be confirmed at a later date, on our page dedicated to cultural events. In-person workshops and day camps may take place in either White Plains or Mamaroneck. Workshops for children and teens typically cost $35/h to attend and do not require having an active AFW membership. They usually focus on learning about a specific cultural theme or topic of interest, and are meant to provide an immersive, authentic experience. These are great for children and teens who learn better by working on a playful or artistic project rather than through more academic methods.
French classes for Francophones
- Pour les enfants et ados qui souhaitent améliorer leur français à l'écrit comme à l'oral et en suivant un programme méthodique et rigoureux tout au long de l'année scolaire, nos cours en personne ou en ligne offrent une bonne solution aux familles pour qui l'apprentissage du français est une priorité. Les cours de la session de printemps auront lieu entre le 28 mars et le 14 juin.
- Si vous recherchez plutôt une option plus ludique, contactez-nous. Nos French Clubs en ligne ou nos ateliers thématiques et day camps ponctuels seront généralement une meilleure solution, mais tout dépend des objectifs d'apprentissage que vous souhaitez fixer pour vos enfants à plus long terme. Dans certains cas, une formule sur-mesure sera la plus adaptée, élaborée avec soin par notre équipe pédagogique.
- Afin de répondre aux besoins spécifiques des grands ados Francophones qui envisagent d'aller poursuivre leurs études en France, au Canada ou dans un autre pays Francophone, nos cours privés seront généralement la meilleure solution pour nous permettre de préparer des programmes sur-mesure. Des groupes peuvent également être constitués si plusieurs adolescents ont un niveau et des objectifs similaires.
French classes for toddlers and families
- Our In-person classes for toddlers are taking place in both White Plains and Mamaroneck. Classes will be taking place between April 1 to June 14, 2024, although most groups will finish in mid-March. These lessons will be ideal for children who learn through music and games, as well as interacting with their care givers. Care givers may attend for free and will also get the chance to learn some French basics!
- For toddlers who cannot attend French lessons in-person, our online French lessons for toddlers will be perfect to enable them to keep practicing French at a gentle pace, once a week. French online lessons for toddlers last 30mn each, in order to maximize their learning experience while keeping their screen time short. These lessons will be taking place between March 28 to June 14, 2025.
- For families who are looking for a truly immersive experience, intensive classes for toddlers are likely to be the best option. Lessons are scheduled from Monday to Friday, 3 hours per day, for children aged 3 to 4 years old. Flexible options are available, although please note seats are very limited and registration must be confirmed at least 4 weeks in advance.
- For families would are looking for a short-term option or lessons on a trial basis, you can contact us, other flexible options are available. Thematic workshops and day camps for toddlers might also be a good fit, although their schedule will be announced at a later date.
- For toddlers who have very specific learning needs, private lessons may be the best option. Contact our team to find out more. Keep in mind that a limited number of instructors is available to teach toddlers in private settings, so we recommend inquiring about this option long before your preferred starting date. The more flexible your schedule is, the easier it will be for us to arrange lessons. We also recommend booking an instructor for the full school year up-front, so your child's learning experience can be as consistent as possible.