Spring Registration are now open for everyone
Adults- Teens & Children - Toddlers
Register Now - Place is limited
We offer a wide variety of cultural events throughout the year to understand France and other Francophone cultures. Come listen to beautiful pieces of French classical music, meet Francophone authors, enjoy French gastronomy and wines, learn about famous French painters or sculptors, or discuss French with thought leaders or entrepreneurs.
If you would like to receive information about our upcoming events, the best way to do it is to subscribe to our newsletter.
Who said culture was only about traditional arts or humanities? As Pierre Bourdieu or Claude Levi-Strauss would say, understanding a foreign culture is all about understanding a whole new way of life. Come and understand the secrets of French joie de vivre through traditional celebrations. Whether you want to learn about customs from a specific region, celebrate Francophonie Day, Fête de la Musique or Bastille Day, there will be something for you to enjoy at AFW. It’s the best way to come and discover French culture yourself!
For both gourmands and gourmets, the AFW Cooking Club is ideal if you would like to learn something fun while enjoying a glass of wine. Make new friends, or create unique memories with old ones! Wow your friends and family next time they come over for dinner! Our talented chef will teach you a trick or two, and after the hands-on meal preparation, you’ll be able to savor the traditional French dinner in good company.
If you love French literature, join our book clubs to discover new authors as well as classics. Each year, we select a wide range of novels or short stories to suit all tastes, ages, and levels. You’ll not only learn about the latest French best-sellers, you’ll also get to know Francophone authors from all over the world! Drop by our library or contact us!
While we offer a wide variety of French language workshops all year round (phonetics, grammar, conversation, etc.), our French immersion workshops are the ideal way to experience both culture and language at the same time. Each immersion focuses on a specific cultural aspect from France or another Francophone country, with samples of food and/or drinks relevant for the occasion. A broad range of topics will be offered throughout the year, but all are connected to important aspects of the French lifestyle or society.
Too busy to commit to regular activities in French? Join one of our discussion groups to meet Francophone and Francophiles once in a while, without having to worry about whether or not you can make it the next time. If you’re not already an AFW member, discussion groups and social gatherings are also open to non-members for a small fee. If you are just curious about the French culture or if you’re interested in volunteering with AFW, this is a great place to learn more about us in a casual and friendly atmosphere. Join our Meetup group to know when our next gathering is!